Happy 4th and NO Ariel Fireworks

Ground Fireworks such as sparklers, firecrackers, smoke bombs, snake, spinners, and fountains are permissible.  No bottle rockets, roman candles or other aerial types are permitted.  We understand the 4th of July creates patriotic emotions and fireworks are a tradition, however, please refrain from breaking your covenant of deed restriction you have with the subdivision as a resident.  Please help all residents enjoy being part of our beautiful community. 

Garden and Social Club meeting wednesday

Please join us at the Garden and Social Club meeting this Wednesday, 7:00 at the Clubhouse.  

We are very excited Kitty Burnsides will present, "Leaves and Nectar: A Monarch Smorgasbord”, which is a presentation about how to create a beautiful Butterfly Garden.  Kitty will focus on what you need to be successful and which plants are best to attract butterflies to your garden.  This is timely since the Garden and Social Club just planted two butterfly gardens in the cul de sacs!  We look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting

Pool Hours and minimum age update

Beginning May 27th The pool will be open full Summer hours through August 7th.  Those hours are:

Monday Closed for Cleaning (Except for Holidays)
Tuesday – Thursday 12-9pm
Friday 12-10pm
Saturday 12-10pm
Sunday 1-8pm

August 7th is the last Day of Summer Hours.  The pool will return to the Weekend only schedule of Fri, Sat, Sun until the last day the pool will be open, Sunday, September 25.

Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day are all on a Monday.  The pool will be open on those holidays 12-9 and closed the following Tuesday for cleaning.

The minimum age for unaccompanied minors has been changed to 12.  Don’t miss our Opening Pool Party and Water Aerobics on the Social Calendar.

Pool Band Distribution

The pool will be open to residents weekends in May beginning May 7th. 2022 Pool Bands will be required for access to the SCF Pool by residents. Pool bands will be distributed at the clubhouse at the below dates and times. Only members in good standing (with no outstanding assessments or deed violations) may receive bands. If you still need to pay your Assessments, please pay now or contact Sterling to arrange for a payment plan.

Saturday, April 9th, 9am to Noon. - Inside the Clubhouse, This is before and during the Easter Egg Hunt!
Saturday, April 23rd, 10am to Noon - Inside the Clubhouse

New!!! May 12, 7-9pm

If you cannot pick up bands for your household during these times, they can be mailed to you for a small fee.

Section 3 East Representative Opening

Section 3 East Representative Opening

There is a Board of Directors opening for Section Representative for Section 3 East. Section 3 East is the section 3 homes East of Majestic Forest Dr. From our Board of Directors Bylaws, the Board will appoint a new representative for the reminder of their term if any openings occur before an election. If you are interested in being a section rep for 3 East, let us know! You must live in the section, and we recommend reading through the Board of Directors Bylaws (found on the website documents) for position expectations.
Complete the Nomination Form linked below and send it in to the board by April 19, for consideration at our April 26th board meeting.

Section Rep Board Nomination Form (word) (PDF)

Read More

OPT IN! to the SCF Directory

The response to opt in to the SCF directory is too low to create the directory at this time, so we are making another push to get you to Opt-In to placing your entry in the SCF Directory. All homes that opt in will also get a printed copy of the final directory.

Click here for an updated form

Download it, print it fill it out and put in the SCF mailbox, or mail to sterling or turn in to Cathy Zito at any upcoming event or meeting.

2022 SCFCA Assessment Fee

The Spring Creek Forest 2022 assessment fee is $655, which is a $30 increase from last year.  Statements were mailed in November.  Late fees will apply if your payment is not received by January 31, 2021 and a payment plan has not been arranged. You may pay by credit card, debit card or e-check by logging into your account on the Sterling website at www.sterlingasi.net. If you need your login and password, please email springcreekforest@sterlingasi.com. There is a fee for credit card or debit card processing. You may also pay by check as indicated on your statement. If you have any questions, please contact Goldie Hassan at 832-678-5390 or email springcreekforest@sterlingasi.com.

First Meeting of the New Garden and Social Club

We are very excited to invite all interested SCF residents to the first meeting of the new Spring Creek Forest Garden and Social Club on Wednesday, November 17th at 6:30 p.m. in the clubhouse.  At this first meeting we will be getting to know each other, establish regular meeting dates and times, and discuss the direction of the group.  We have a lot of fun ideas so please join us!

For further information, please contact Jo Vonna Hill at jovonnahillscfsection2rep@gmail.com
or Cathy Zito at czito227@sbcglobal.net

10/19 Board Officer Election Candidates

Candidate Bios for the SCFCA Board Election

On October 19, 2021 at 7pm at the SCFCA Clubhouse on 17515 Fairway Oaks 

Candidate for President - Richard (Rich) Short

I am a regional sales manager for a nationwide diesel parts company.  I am also a retired US Army veteran. I enjoy cooking and traveling and spending time with my friends, family and neighbors.  I have been an active volunteer in the community by helping to decorate the front entrance for Christmas, donating Christmas lights and a podium, as well as being the pit master at the BBQ cookoff.  I also volunteered on the pool renovation committee last year.  I have been on the boards of 3 different HOA’s and have held 3 different positions: President, Vice President, and Board member. I believe in being frugal with the HOA’s money, but I also believe that preventive maintenance on all the HOA’s assets is a must.


Candidate for Vice President - Eric Birnbaum

As a native Texan, I always dreamed of big trees and a neighborhood that welcomed all. I moved to SCF in October 2018 with my family and we absolutely love it. We chose SCF because of its peaceful, beautiful, wooded lots, huge pool, tennis courts and lots of other amenities for young families. I am passionate about healthcare and enjoy traveling and cooking with my family and friends.  I have an MBA with a focus in healthcare. I currently serve as Vice President for SCFCA and would like to maintain the momentum we’ve gained from the last two years with the consistent goal to improve our community. I find immense value in serving SCF while providing an objective approach to key decisions for our community.  It is paramount to listen to our membership and their concerns while creating a collaborative environment for measured success. 

Candidate for Secretary – Erin Maxwell

I am running for Secretary because I am committed to our neighborhood and want to see it grow in a positive way. We moved here 3 years ago for the trees, amenities, and to be closer to my career as a geoscientist for an oil major. Aside from professional experiences, I have served on the Board for a performing arts organization, and currently volunteer in the children's ministry team and sing soprano with the choir at our church, Northwoods Presbyterian.  Our family attends the kid friendly community events and enjoy the pool and playground a good bit. I am level-headed, well organized and have experience with electronic meeting formats, MS Office, and Adobe Acrobat.  I look forward to being Secretary.

Candidate for Treasurer - Arthur (Art) Denzau

I have been a member of the Spring Creek Forest community for a little over 4 years now.  My wife, Noelle, and I moved here in July 2017.  When we were house hunting, we fell in love with this neighborhood immediately.  The mature trees, the variety of attractive houses, the well-kept lawns, and the waterfall out on Louetta all made it difficult to look anywhere else.  We were extremely fortunate to purchase our home on Moccasin Bend and have enjoyed every minute of living here.  I am a mechanical engineer by profession, but I have very strong math and excel skills.  I am always up for a challenge and love to learn new things.  I served on the pool renovation committee last year.  I take great pride in everything I do and would love to put some of that pride and experience to work helping the community stay the beautiful place that it is.  I look forward to being Treasurer.  Thank you.

Voting Results of the Special Meeting held August 24th, 2021

The Amended and Restated Bylaws were approved by a majority vote of Members in the Special Meeting held Tuesday.  The Certificate of Amendment to the Certificate of Formation (Formerly the Articles of Incorporation) were not approved because it required a 2/3rds majority of Members’ votes.  The Amended and Restated Bylaws will go into effect once they are recorded.  The Articles dated January 20th, 1975 will remain in effect.  Thank you to everyone who participated, we had a great turnout! 

Due to the approval of the Amended and Restated Bylaws, the Board positions up for election at the upcoming October 19th Annual Meeting are the officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer for two year terms that begin upon election.  If you are interested in running for one of these Board positions, please submit a nomination form that can be found on the website www.scfneighbors.com under Announcements.

SCFCA Board of Directors

Solicitation of Candidates for Board of Directors

In accordance with 209.00593 of the Texas Property Code, the Spring Creek Forest Civic Association is soliciting candidates interested in running for the Board of Directors. If you would like to have your name placed on the ballot for the Tuesday, October 19, 2021 General Meeting, please submit the attached Nomination Application no later than September 15, 2021 via the following methods:

Email:  section1@scfneighbors.com
or springcreekforest@sterlingasi.com

Fax:  (832) 678-4510

Spring Creek Forest Civic Association
c/o Sterling ASI
6842 N Sam Houston Pkwy W
Houston, TX 77064

The Board positions that will be on the ballot will be announced following the August 24, 2021 bylaw vote. 
Your name will be placed on the ballot along with a brief bio composed from the information provided on your Nomination Application.  It will also be included in the October General Meeting packet, newsletter and posted on the website.

Nomination Application click here

SCFCA Special Meeting 8/24/2021 from 7-8pm

SCFCA Members,

The SCFCA Board of Directors is having a Special Meeting on August 24th, 2021 from 7-8pm at the SCFCA clubhouse at 17515 Fairway Oaks, Spring, TX  77379 for Members to vote on the Amended and Restated Bylaws and the Certificate of Amendment to the Certificate of Formation (Formerly Articles of Incorporation) of Spring Creek Forest Civic Association.  If you would like a paper copy mailed to you, please email springcreekforest@sterlingasi.com or call  832-678-4500.  Two ballots will be mailed to Members this week as lots with more than one owner have up to two votes per lot.  If you lose your ballot, please contact Sterling to have another one sent to you.  Ballots are watermarked and can not be copied.  Photocopied ballots will not be accepted.  Ballots can only be submitted by an owner or co-owner of their lot. Ballots may not be dropped in the mailbox in front of the clubhouse or in Sterling’s door.

Absentee ballots must be received by Sterling ASI by mail no later than 5pm on August 23rd, 2021 at Sterling ASI at 6842 North Sam Houston Pkwy W, Houston, TX 77064.  By casting your vote via absentee ballot you will forgo the opportunity to consider and vote on any action from the floor.  If you desire to retain this ability, please attend the meeting in person.  You may submit an absentee ballot and later choose to attend  the meeting in person, in which case any in-person vote will prevail.

Voting in person from 7-8pm on August 24th, 2021 at the clubhouse. 

 Amended and Restated Bylaws click here

Certificate of Amendment to the Certificate of Formation (Formerly Articles of Incorporation) click here

 Meeting Agenda click here



Special Meeting to review Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws Revisions

The Board is hosting a second Special Meeting to review the proposed revised Bylaws at the clubhouse on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 7pm. Attached is a brief summary of the material changes for your review in addition to the revised Bylaw draft.  We hope that you will consider these revisions and come to the meeting with your questions.   

Bylaw Draft 07062021

Material Changes to Bylaws

Articles of Incorporation Draft

Special Meeting being held on July 13th to review Articles of Incorporation and Bylaw revisions

The Board of Directors is proposing the attached revisions to the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws for Spring Creek Forest.  Please review these attached documents.  If you would like a paper copy mailed to you, please email Springcreekforest@sterlingasi.com.  A Special meeting is being held on Tuesday, July 13th at 7pm at the clubhouse to review these with members.  Members will be asked to vote on these two documents once they are finalized.

Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation

Amended and Restated Bylaws

Water Aerobics Classes

Water aerobics will be offered this summer beginning June 8th.  Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-7:30pm at the SCF pool through August.  Classes are being sponsored by the Association and are for SCF residents only that are 13 years and older and in good standing with the Association.  If you have outstanding assessments or deed violations, please take care of those in advance. Please contact Dawn Jankowski, instructor, to sign up or get additional information at Dawn_Jankowski@oxy.com or pool@scfneighbors.com.