Changes on the 2018 SCF Board of Directors, etc
/April 2, 2018
SCF Residents,
A number of big changes are occurring, of which your Civic Association Board of Directors hereby desires to inform you.
Foremost, for personal reasons our community elected President, Jim Clancy, resigned at the end of February - followed a few weeks later by the community elected Vice President, also "Acting President," Jeanna Pagel. As of the recent March 27th board meeting, Secretary Rachel Larchar has been affirmed by the board of directors as current "Acting President" until the vote of a more permanent replacement is established. SCF Bylaws dictate that in the event of such vacancies, your board of directors are authorized to fill remaining positions per their discretion and vote. The current plan is to acquire nominations for both board and committee vacancies by the end of our upcoming General Meeting of the Members, April 17th, 2018 - of which a target, "official vote" is presumed to transpire in a public, April 24th board meeting. We are currently seeking amiable, and time willing volunteers to fill the various positions open, including the particular need for Pool/Clubhouse & Grounds Committee - as our long time chairperson Andi Stakes has decided to retire from the position. (Social, deeds, and communications committees also continue to seek assistance.)
Please submit or announce your nominations to Marty Thomen, Ginger Phillips, or at the April 17th, General Meeting of the Members. Per SCF Bylaws and Articles, regulations will apply regarding eligibility - but note primarily that nominations must be in good standing pertaining to Civic Association dues.
We also wish to inform you of the submitted resignation of our current deeds enforcement company, Transerve Management Company LP - whose services will be terminating May 31, 2018. Your board of directors is currently acting with speed to solicit deeds management company proposals, to be presented preferably at the upcoming General Meeting. An agenda will be posted at least 72 hours prior to this meeting per state law, and for your convenience. However, we acknowledge an official deeds management company replacement vote (by your board of directors) will likely occur in an open board meeting sometime following the April 17th General Meeting.
We appreciate you good members of our community, and look forward to working with those willing to serve alongside us for the betterment of Spring Creek Forest.
Thank you for your time! :)
"Acting President," Rachel Larchar