SCF Chili Cook Off On November 9th!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Chili Cook-Off 

Spring Creek Forest will have its 2nd Annual Chili-Cook Off SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH, 5:00-7:00 p.m. New rules will be incorporated this year in hopes to minimize confusion. Entries will be judged on aroma, color, consistency, heat and flavor. SCF will provide all the fixings, JUST BRING YOUR CHILI & APPETITE.  Contact DeAnna Delgado,Social Committee Chairman, for further information: 832-435-5151 or email

1st place- Trophy,Wooden Spoon, Ribbon, $25 VISA Gift Card

2nd place-Wooden Spoon, Ribbon,$25 VISA Gift Card

3rd place-Wooden Spoon, Ribbon,$25 VISA Gift Card

4th place- Crowd Favorite Certificate