2021 Pool Hours

Pool Bands: Residents that still need bands, may request them from Sterling at springcreekforest@sterlingasi.com and they will be mailed to you.  Only residents in good standing can receive bands.  If you have outstanding dues or deed violations, please take care of those before requesting bands. 

Bathroom Codes: Outdoor bathroom locks behind clubhouse have been changed.  The new code for both restrooms is now 6614.

Pool Hours:

June 2nd thru August 15th

Mon                Pool Closed for Cleaning

Tue-Thurs       Noon to 9pm

Fri-Sat             Noon to 10pm

Sun                  1 to 8pm

August 16th thru September 26th

Fri                    6 to 10pm

Sat                   noon to 10pm

Sun                  1 to 8pm

September 6th, Labor Day Holiday: Monday - Open Noon to 8pm