September News Garden Club

Garden Club returns after Summer break!  Please join the Garden Club at the SCF Clubhouse on September 11th at 7:00 p.m. Kitty Burnsides, Tree and Shrub Grow Lead for Mercer Botanic Gardens, will share her presentation for suggested species of trees for our area along with places to purchase healthy trees. Let’s re-forest SPRING CREEK FOREST!

Speaking of trees - Hurricane Beryl did a number on our beautiful Spring Creek FOREST

Texas A&M Forest Service estimates that Beryl’s winds affected 50% of Houston areas trees! Overall, approximately 7.8 million acres of forestland were potentially impacted by winds ranging from 40-80 mph during this storm. The loss of trees over these past few years has been seen on a large scale in SCF.


Unfortunately, the trees in our area had already been subjected to additional stress to the root structures due to the Winter Storm URI in February 2021 and summer drought conditions in 2021 and 2022. This cycle of drought and then lots of rain have been a shock to these trees. There are many benefits to the local community and environment from having lots of trees, some benefits of which are: lowered area temperatures on average almost 2.9 degrees lower than unforested areas, mitigating flooding and soil erosion.

Here are some tips for homeowners to ensure healthy trees on your property prior to storms:

  • Trees should be trimmed, prune dead or weakened branches

  • Thin the crown of the tree to allow wind to pass through branches

  • Properly water trees to encourage deeper root structures (do not over water during drought)

  • Hire an arborist to assess tree health, and to properly prune the trees

Please join the Garden Club at the SCF Clubhouse on September 11th at 7:00 p.m. Kitty Burnsides, Tree and Shrub Grow Lead for Mercer Botanic Gardens, will share her presentation for suggested species of trees for our area along with places to purchase healthy trees. Let’s re-forest SPRING CREEK FOREST!