Special Board Meeting, Wed June 20 7 - 10 pm

Proposed Deeds Updates Review with the Board. 

This review is primarily intended for the board, not the SCFCA Members (residents), so that the board can present the Members with the best FINAL DRAFT document possible later in the summer. There will be a minimum of two (2) special meetings for the Members to provide input to that final draft. Therefore, comments and questions from the floor will be extremely limited during this meeting.


 7:00             Call to order, meeting rules, Board and Sterling introductions

7:10            Describe the process for this meeting, as follows:

·        Board members who were NOT on the update committee will be given the floor one at a time to make comments, ask questions, and discuss items in the document. The board member will work through one item at a time until all of his/her issues are addressed by the Board and Sterling.

·        The next board member will do the same, without duplicating any of the items already discussed.

·        Once all of those non-committee board members are done, the floor will be open to the Sterling managers to do the same.

·        Next, we will open the floor to the board members who were on the committee, one at a time, to address any new issues resulting from the preceding discussions.

·        In the event the process takes way more than the 3 hours allocated, we will adjourn and meet again on Wednesday, July 11th (the clubhouse is already reserved as a contingency).

· 7:25            Begin the review process

?????          If done early, discuss voting process and rough timing

10:00          Adjourn


New Management Company as of June 1, 2018

Fellow Residents of Spring Creek Forest –

A couple of weeks ago your board approved a contract with Sterling Association Services, Inc to become our new management company. In addition to handling deeds restrictions violations, Sterling will also be taking over the Administrative Assistant responsibilities, along with a few other duties, effective June 1. There will be more details provided by the board in the July newsletter (it was way too late for the June newsletter). In addition, Sterling will be sending out an introduction letter (by U.S. mail) to all residents shortly; and later will send out a more detailed informational letter.

While this is a major shift in the way we have operated the subdivision over the last 40+ years (i.e., using a management company to help with many day-to-day activities), many things still remain the same. Volunteers will still handle the pool, tennis courts, clubhouse, and other amenities. Maintenance will still be handled by Marty Thomen and friends, as will the Architectural Control Committee. The SCFCA board of directors remains the same, and retains control of the subdivision. We still need help with various committees (such as the Social Committee). The rules & regulations, Bylaws, and Deeds Restrictions remain the same (although there has been a committee working actively since January on the 20-year update to the deeds restriction documents, as publicized in social media and the newsletter since December 2017).

-          Chuck Maier, SCFCA President

Changes on the 2018 SCF Board of Directors, etc

April 2, 2018

SCF Residents,

A number of big changes are occurring, of which your Civic Association Board of Directors hereby desires to inform you.

Foremost, for personal reasons our community elected President, Jim Clancy, resigned at the end of February - followed a few weeks later by the community elected Vice President, also "Acting President," Jeanna Pagel. As of the recent March 27th board meeting, Secretary Rachel Larchar has been affirmed by the board of directors as current "Acting President" until the vote of a more permanent replacement is established.  SCF Bylaws dictate that in the event of such vacancies, your board of directors are authorized to fill remaining positions per their discretion and vote. The current plan is to acquire nominations for both board and committee vacancies by the end of our upcoming General Meeting of the Members, April 17th, 2018 - of which a target, "official vote" is presumed to transpire in a public, April 24th board meeting. We are currently seeking amiable, and time willing volunteers to fill the various positions open, including the particular need for Pool/Clubhouse & Grounds Committee - as our long time chairperson Andi Stakes has decided to retire from the position. (Social, deeds, and communications committees also continue to seek assistance.) 

Please submit or announce your nominations to Marty Thomen, Ginger Phillips, or at the April 17th, General Meeting of the Members. Per SCF Bylaws and Articles, regulations will apply regarding eligibility - but note primarily that nominations must be in good standing pertaining to Civic Association dues.   

We also wish to inform you of the submitted resignation of our current deeds enforcement company, Transerve Management Company LP - whose services will be terminating May 31, 2018. Your board of directors is currently acting with speed to solicit deeds management company proposals, to be presented preferably at the upcoming General Meeting. An agenda will be posted at least 72 hours prior to this meeting per state law, and for your convenience. However, we acknowledge  an official deeds management company replacement vote (by your board of directors) will likely occur in an open board meeting sometime following the April 17th General Meeting. 

We appreciate you good members of our community, and look forward to working with those willing to serve alongside us for the betterment of Spring Creek Forest. 

Thank you for your time! :)


"Acting President," Rachel Larchar

Special HOA Board Meeting on Feb 15th at 7 p.m.

On Thursday, February 15, 2018 the SCF Board of Directors will hold a Special Board Meeting at the SCF Clubhouse starting at 7 PM. All residents of Spring Creek Forest are welcome to attend.

The purpose of the Special Meeting is to discuss the Enforcement of Deed Restrictions. On the Board there are significant differences of opinion on the enforcement methods to use and who shall handle the enforcement. There is significant debate and discussion about the use of Fines as the end all be all method to achieve enforcement.

The issue of how SCFCA should handle deeds, who should manage Deeds Enforcement for SCFCA and what management firm should handle deeds enforcement will be the main subject of the Special Meeting of the Board. 

The board hopes many residents will attend and participate in this important meeting.

The agenda can be found here:
https://springcreekforest.nabrnetwork.c ... 180215.pdf

2018 HOA Fees Due January 31

January 31st is the last day to pay your 2018 HOA fee without there being a penalty and late fee applied.  As stated on the invoice sent Nov 6, and according to the Collection Policy available online, there will be a 10% one time penalty applied after Jan 31, plus a $25 late fee per month, starting Feb 1.  

If you would prefer to pay with a credit card, please call the SCF admin, Elisa Kaplan, at 281-370-4729 before 9 pm January 31st (sooner is better). There is a 3% service charge if you pay by credit card, to cover the fee charged to SCF for swiping, bringing the total to $629.33.

Payments mailed via the USPS must be postmarked before Feb 1.

Payments can also be dropped in the SCF mailbox located by the front door of 6711 Falling Waters Dr.

If you want to avoid penalties and late fees, contact Elisa TODAY to set up a payment plan.  To initiate the plan, $147.20 must be paid and the plan must be signed, followed by 5 payments of $97.76. (These amounts are for 2018 dues only).

Thank you to all residents that have already submitted your payments!

2018 Pool Wristband Information

The new 2018 pool wristbands will be distributed in April.  See schedule for dates and times.  New bands are distributed every year so be sure to pick up your new 2018 wristbands!  (Lifeguards do not distribute wristbands.)

2018 SCF Pool Wristband Distribution Schedule

Wristbands are only distributed on assigned dates.  Please make arrangements to pick up your bands on one of these dates. All distributions will be at the Clubhouse.

The dates are:

Saturday, April 14th  10am – 12pm  

Tuesday, April 17th (HOA General Mtg)   6pm – 7pm  

Thursday, April 19th   5pm – 7pm  

Saturday, April 21st   10am – 12pm

All residents must wear their current pool wristband while at the pool at all times.  Guests are signed in with the lifeguards. Guests do not wear wristbands.  All residents using the pool will need to review and agree to the pool policy.  Please see the link “SCF Pool Policy”.  

All pool parties of 10 or more must have approval from the pool committee, the pool management and placed on the pool schedule.  Contact Andi Stakes for more info. If you are new to the neighborhood and would like to use the pool, please contact Andi Stakes to make arrangements for wristbands.  

For any other issues or questions involving the pool, please contact the pool committee.

Pool Committee Chair: Andi Stakes at 281-374-8461 or 281-682-0170 (cell)

Pool Address – 17515 Fairway Oaks Dr. Spring, Texas 77379


Want an American Flag in Front of Your House Too?

Do you want to receive an American Flag for patriotic holidays?  The holidays covered are listed below.  Now is the time to enroll.  It’s easy!   Simply fill out the form attached and mail it with a check to the address listed.  A sleeve will be placed in your yard near the street and a marker will be placed on the curb to make it easy for us to find it.  You will then have a beautiful flag flying for most national patriotic holidays.  Thank you for your support of the Klein Band, and for showing your pride in our great country.

Memorial Day             Independence Day            Labor Day                    Patriot Day                  Veteran’s Day             President’s Day

President and Section Representatives

Our Fall General Meeting of the SCF Homeowners Association including election of new officers will take place Tuesday, October 21 at 7:00 pm, our Clubhouse.

Several Section Representative positions will be vacant because of term limitations. Please volunteer to become a Section Representative and join your SCF Board. The Board consists of SCF residents who care about our neighborhood's safety, beauty, and preservation, are neighbors just like you and me, are friendly, likable, and are fun to be around!!

Section Representatives should be dedicated individuals, care about SCF, attend monthly meetings, possibly have leadership skills, effective communication and organizational skills, work cooperatively with other Board, Committee members, residents, and sometimes outside vendors, solving problems, planning for current and future budgets, sometimes property installations (example playground equipment). Section Reps should also be able to work with strong personalities to an effective outcome and be willing to acquire a working knowledge of SCF by-laws and deeds.

Section Reps often take on areas of interest voluntarily, such as helping with problems or issues pertaining to technology, maintenance, acquiring equipment for our community, helping with installations, planning landscaping, writing articles. Your involvement depends on your personal interests and time ability.

Elections take place October 21 at the Clubhouse General meeting, required by SCF by-laws. If you are interested, please email or call: (see directory or SCF Times Newsletter for telephone numbers)

Jim Clancy President@scfneighbors.com or

Debbie Oliver Secretary@scfneighbors.com

Because today is October 6th, please e-mail or call as soon as possible if interested, so we may discuss the position and election with you.