2019 Pool Wristband Distribution

Wristbands will be distributed on Tuesday, April 16th from 5-7pm before the General Meeting at the clubhouse and again on Thursday, the 18th from 6-8pm at the clubhouse. After May 1st wristbands may only be obtained directly from Sterling. There will be a slight change in the wristband rules this year. Wristbands must always be worn in the pool area, even by the pool regulars! Two colors will be used for identification this year to assist with safety. Ages 10 and over will receive a silver colored band, while ages 9 and under will receive a seafoam green colored band. Members not in good standing will not be given wristbands. Please contact Sterling ASI at 832-678-4500 to resolve any issues. I will be the new pool committee chairperson, taking over for Andi Stakes. She has graciously offered to guide me along so we have smooth transition this summer. My family and I have lived in SCF for 10 years and look forward to enjoying a safe and fun filled summer. If you have questions regarding the pool, I can be reached at pool@scfneighbors.com. Curtis Dybala

Deeds Revision Voting Extended!

Due to the delayed mail-out of the deed restriction revision voting packets, the deadline for submitting ballots has been extended to April 16th, the date of the General Meeting. Please turn your ballots into the SCF mailbox in front of the clubhouse or bring them to the meeting. All of the documents are posted online on our website at www.scfneighbors.com under documents and then deeds for your convenience.

SCF Monthly Board Meeting, Tuesday, March 26th, 7pm



March 26, 2019


7:00                 Call to order, meeting rules, Board introductions (Chuck)

7:05                 Approval of February’s Board meeting minutes (Chuck)

7:10                 Actions taken since last meeting (Sheron)

7:15                 ACC Ruling Appeal – Ashley Weisner, 6502 Twin Leaf

7:30                 ACC Ruling Appeal – Mitch Duffy, 6614 Twin Leaf

7:40                 Treasurer’s reports for February, approval of same; Reserve study status (Victor)

7:50                 Secretary’s report - dedicatory instruments and board calendar projects (Sheron)

8:00                 Notice of General Meeting on April 16th

8:05                 Committee Reports:

·         Pool – deck resurfacing/crack repair (Matt); lights/fans under pavilions (Marty); registration/wrist bands (Andi/Curtis); Sweetwater contract (board)

·         Communications

·         Clubhouse

·         Tennis Courts

·         Maintenance (pest control contract; waterfall light raising)

·         ACC and AC Guidelines

·         Security (Sterling)

·         Social

·         Playground

·         Ballfield parking lot status

·         Sterling Transition - Bank Accounts, data security, contract summary sheet, member account reconciliation (Jennifer)

·         Insurance Study (Joe)

8:50+-              Deeds violations summary (Sterling)

9:00                 Adjourn open session


Swim Team!

Spring Creek Forest Sharks Swim Team

Attention Sharks and all swimmers!  The 2019 NWAL Summer League season is just around the corner.  We will have online registration starting in early March and in-person registration on March 24th from 2-5pm at the SCF clubhouse.  Information will be updated on the team website at www.scfsharks.org as we go.  Please check the website and watch your emails for more details.  If you have questions or want more information, please contact Olen Walton at president@scfsharks.org.  We look forward to seeing everyone soon!

No Aerial Fireworks!

With New Year’s Eve approaching, we want to remind everyone that for the safety of the neighborhood, aerial fireworks are forbidden by the deed restrictions. Because this type of violation is considered ‘uncurable’ (i.e., it can’t be reversed, cleaned up, or otherwise corrected), it is subject to immediate fines without all the normal sequence of letters and warnings. So, please be considerate of your neighbors and limit your fireworks to something other than aerial devices.

Parking Lot on Spicewood Springs scheduled for renovation!

12/15 Update: Due to poor soil conditions, the project has been delayed once again. We will keep you posted on the next start date.

Construction on the parking lot on Spicewood Springs is scheduled to begin on Monday, 11/26, weather permitting. Construction is estimated to last 3-5 days and working hours will be between 7am and 5pm. Please do not park in this lot prior to construction or you may be towed. Please anticipate heavy equipment, noise, and dust. Please avoid driving through the area during construction as you may be delayed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a board member.

A new start date of 12/10 has been set due to weather.

Construction on River Mill and Forest Mist

We contacted the county regarding the work that is being done on these streets. They have informed us that it is related to storm drain repairs. The work is only being done on River Mill and Forest Mist. They expect to be done and out of the neighborhood by the end of this week, weather permitting. In the meantime, the postal service will not be able to deliver mail to those addresses with active construction sites blocking access to the mailbox.

October Monthly Board Meeting



October 30, 2018


7:00                 Call to order, meeting rules, board introductions

7:05                 Approval of September’s regular meeting minutes and October’s general meeting minutes

7:10                 Questions & comments from the floor, 3 minutes each (maximum)

7:25                 Treasurer’s report and approval of same

7:35                 Committee Reports:

·         Pool – diving boards, fans/lights under pavilions, deck resurfacing/crack repair

·         Communications – NabrNetwork, new emails for board

·         Clubhouse

·         Tennis Courts – LED replacement options

·         Maintenance – Batting cage/backstop & tennis court gates; waterfall repairs; volunteer work weekend; landscaping at entrance (roses, etc.)

·         ACC

·         Security

·         Social –  Need Chairperson

- NNO/Oktoberfest results (DeAnna, Ginger)

- Chili Cookoff, November 10 (Ginger, DeAnna)

- Pancakes with Santa, December 1 (Joe Jensen)

·         Playground – Quotes/Recommendations/Action items

·         Ballfield parking lot/tables – Quotes/Recommendations/Action items

·         Sterling Transition  - Bank Accounts, Welcome Packets

8:15                 Proposed SCF Expenditure Policy

8:25                 Lawn maintenance and chemical treating contract approval 2019 (new)

8:35                 Communications Policy approval (former “social media” policy)

8:45                 Deeds violations summary (Sterling)

8:50                 Adjourn open session

8:55                 Executive session call to order

9:15                 Adjourn executive session     

New Trash and Recycling Service

There seems to be a little confusion about the new trash service. Household trash, NOT yard debris or construction debris, is typically collected in the house in smaller bags (8-13 gallons, maybe 20 gallons). Those bags should be placed in garbage cans with lids (typically 39-42 gallon size cans, but can be larger if not overloaded). Those cans will be handled at the “back door” – some place visible from the street on or near the driveway. Some of you have special fenced in areas with gates just for your cans (separate from your backyard access). You should open the gate on Tuesday and Friday mornings so the cans can be seen. In some cases, WM used to actually open the gates. RRR will not do that.  If you store your cans in the backyard or garage, you should bring them out the night before, or the morning of pickup. 

Recycling is picked up on Tuesdays only and should be in a RRR recycling container or one of your own containers with a recycling symbol on it. You can request additional recycling containers and stickers from RRR. Recycling must be placed near the curb for pick up.

Yard debris should be placed in durable plastic bags or tied in bundles (for sticks), not to exceed 40 pounds each, and placed on the curb (NOT in the street). There is a limit of 10 per pickup day. While we would prefer that you not put these out on the curb any earlier than the afternoon prior to pick up, you will not be cited for violating the deeds restrictions if you do so. The proposed 2019 deeds restrictions changes will address this issue.  If you follow these guidelines and still have a problem with pickup, call RRR as soon as possible at 346-248-5222.

October General Meeting Agenda


October 16, 2018


7:00                 Call to order, meeting rules, board introductions

7:05                 Introduction of 2019 board candidates and questions (3 minutes each, maximum)

7:45                 Brief update on trash/garbage/recycle pickup

7:50                 Member Survey results

8:00                 Treasurer’s report (income/expenses) through September, 2018

8:05                 2018 major repairs (ballfield parking lot, tables.; batting cage/backstop; swimming pool deck; play area surface and other safety issues; waterfall stone repairs, mystery LEDs)

8:15                 2018/2019 capital improvements under consideration (tennis court LED lights, tables & benches; play area shade and improvements; pool pavilion fans/lights)

8:25                 2019 budget – income/expense, major repairs, capital improvements, maintenance fee

8:45                 Upcoming social events

- NNO/Oktoberfest - October 27

- Volunteer workday, power washing and painting – Nov. 3

- Chili Cookoff - November 10

- Pancakes with Santa - December 1

8:55                 Sterling Transition (Accounting; deeds inspections; quarterly review, etc.)

9:05                 Deeds Enforcement Policy and Fine Schedule

9:10                 Social Media Policy to Communications Policy – in progress

9:15                 Deeds Restrictions document update status

9:20                 2019 ACC guidelines update committee plans

9:25                 Open questions from the floor

9:40                 Election results

9:45                 Adjourn meeting

Upcoming Election of 2019 Board at the October 16th General Meeting at 7pm at the Clubhouse!

Meet the Candidates for the 2019 SCFCA Board!


PRESIDENT-                             CHUCK MAIER                                                                  

VICE PRESIDENT-                    JENNIFER CHAPMAN                    

SECRETARY-                             SUSAN SHAKESPEAR     OR       SHERON THOMEN

TREASURER-                            EDDIE DEGRACIA           OR         VICTOR ROLLINSON               



BLAKE DAVIS                                                  JOE JENSEN                                GINGER PHILLIPS


For Bios on Candidates click here

Little Free Library Grand Opening!

Spring Creek Forest now has a Little Free Library!

Residents are invited to the SCF Clubhouse for the Grand Opening on September 15th at 10:00 a.m. Refreshments will be served after the ribbon cutting. DeAnna Delgado is excited to be the official steward for the Little Free Library #69944 on behalf of SCF.

The way it works is simple:


Each book will have a sticker to show it has been approved for the library. There will be books for all ages. SCF hopes to see you there!


Food Drive!

National Charity League Champions Chapter to host food drive for NAM


My name is Ellie Buffington and I am a resident of SCF and attend Kleb Middle School. I am in the class of 2024 for National Charity League. This year, we wanted to start out making a real difference in our community.  My class is hosting a food drive for NAM (Northwest Assistance Ministries) on Sunday, September 9th.  I will be at the SCF clubhouse from 10:00 to 1:00 to collect food items that you may want to donate for this great cause. 

I will take anything, but they need they mostly need these items…

  1. Pasta
  2. Canned tuna
  3. Hamburger helper
  4. Tuna Helper
  5. Fruits
  6. Veggies
  7. Soup
  8. Jelly
  9. Peanut Butter
  10. Rice

Please consider helping with this great cause.  See you on Sunday the 9th!

Spring Creek Forest Civic Association Board Elections Held in October!

If you would like to be on the ballot or nominate a candidate, please notify any board member or anyone listed below on the nominating committee no later than 9/17/18:

Kristin Buffington         kristin.buffington@gmail.com

Mo Castaneda              281.374.8658

Rachel Larchar              rtpineapple@hotmail.com

Ginger Phillips              frompotentialtokinetic@gmail.com

Andi Stakes                   astakes@comcast.net

Marty Thomen            thomenms@sbcglobal.net

4th of July Events at SCF Clubhouse!

9-9:30am Baking Contest. Bring your baked goods to the clubhouse. Contest will be divided up by ages. 

10am Parade Begins. Klein Volunteer Fire Department will join us. Bring your bikes, golf carts, convertibles and antique cars! 

12noon Pool Party. Sponsored by Sweetwater Pools. There will be a soda drop and a watermelon drop for the kids and a beer drop for the adults!

Don't miss out on all the fun!