Unexpected Legal Expenses

The Board’s fiscal responsibility and transparency to SCF residents mandates that we share with the community costs billed to the Association for expected and unexpected expenses. Unexpected additional legal expenses were necessitated by some actions and assertions against this Board by a few current and former Board and committee members.  SCF has incurred $3741.00 in legal fees (to date) associated with counsel, guidance and attorney cease and desist letters sent to these individuals. This Board will protect the Association from liability due to misinformation, harassment and intentional disruption to SCF Board policies and governance which could negatively affect all of SCF. Residents deserve and should expect its leaders to behave with integrity and to conduct the business of the Association professionally and responsibly for the benefit of SCF and all of its residents. If you have a concern about something in our community, please contact the Board or Sterling. Our contact information is on our website www.scfneighbors.com or in the newsletter.


What does Sterling do for SCF?

What Does Sterling Do For SCF?

The Spring Creek Forest Civic Association Board (Board) would like residents to understand the role of the management company, Sterling ASI (Sterling), in our neighborhood.  The Board is made up of unpaid homeowner volunteers, who are elected every year.  Most Board members, if not all, have never had any HOA experience.  A management company is critical to consistent and compliant operations from year to year.  HOA matters can be complex and with ever-changing laws regarding HOA management and homeowner rights, the Board believes that having Sterling is a critical part of our team and they are an asset to our community.

·        Professional Assistance: The Board maintains full and total control over the SCFCA (Association). Sterling is only a contracted service provider working under the Board’s direction. 

·        Cost Savings: Sterling was hired in June of 2018, at a savings of over $11,000 per year compared to the previous deed enforcement and administrative costs.  Also, since Sterling’s hire, they have saved our neighborhood over $19,000 per year in landscaping costs due to the vendor referrals that Sterling provided. Sterling has actually saved SCF more money than the cost of their own contract with us per year!  Because of Sterling’s experience with insured, bonded, and licensed vendors, they have been able to provide many excellent referrals for vendors with HOA experience such as electrical, outdoor lighting, sports and playground equipment, plumbing, security, pool, etc. 

·        Many Services:  In addition to saving the Association a lot of money, Sterling provides many additional services such as Administrative, Accounting, Property Management, Collections, Architectural and Deed Enforcement services, as well as, access to Sterling’s comprehensive reporting software, which allows Board members real-time access to Association data.  It would cost the Association considerably more money to hire these services separately.

·        Unbiased and Legal Enforcement: Because of the professional services that Sterling provides, SCF now has unbiased, consistent, and legally sound deed and architectural control enforcement and the most accurate and complete financials in its history.  Also, because Sterling is insured and bonded, the Association has reduced liability that would otherwise be incurred under self-management. 

·        Expertise: Sterling is the largest locally owned property management company in the Houston area.  They are a well-respected company with over 20 years of experience.  They manage over 200 neighborhoods.  They are accredited by the Community Associations Institute.  See their website for more information at www.sterlingasi.com.

Sterling does not provide legal counsel.  The Association has used the services of RMWBH for over 8 years.  One of RMWBH’s specialties is community association law and they are one of the most respected in the Houston area.  See their website for more information at www.rmwbh.com.

The Board recognizes that Sterling and the Board are not perfect and there can always be room for improvement.  If you have received a notice of a violation or delinquency and it is in error or you have a special circumstance, please contact Sterling at springcreekforest@sterlingasi.com.  The Board is always willing to work with homeowners.  The Board continues to work diligently to take the best care of this community for the benefit of all homeowners.  The real estate market is very competitive with many new neighborhoods being built in our area at a very fast pace.  We must all work together to keep Spring Creek Forest a beautiful, friendly, and desirable place in which to live and raise families.

SCFCA Directory

At this time, the SCFCA Board is unable to negotiate acceptable terms with volunteers for the SCFCA Directory project.  The SCFCA cannot authorize or endorse any directory that might be published without SCFCA Board approval.  At legal counsel’s recommendation, the Board voted to immediately stop the SCFCA Directory project.  If you have submitted any information related to this project, please be aware that your SCFCA Board has not received any tangible information regarding this directory.  The SCFCA will not be held  liable for any information that was disclosed or how it may be used.  We want to express our sincere apologies for any confusion this may have caused.   


SCFCA Communications

SCFCA Communications

The Board will not address Association business on social media sites, like Nextdoor.  Please see the SCF Communications policy on our website at www.scfneighbors.com under documents.  We have an Association approved Facebook page that is run by the social committee chair and it is for announcements only.  See Spring Creek Forest Happenings on Facebook to join.  The negative posts on social media about the SCFCA typically only spread propaganda, fear and disinformation.  Please do not assume that what you see posted on social media is accurate.  If you are concerned about something in SCF, please contact us directly.

If you wish to communicate with the Board, please reach out to a Board member or Sterling.  We represent you and want to meet your needs to the best of our abilities.  We only have a small amount of time to address resident concerns during our monthly Board meeting when we are trying to conduct Association business.  Board member and Sterling contact information can be found in the newsletter or on our website at www.scfneighbors.com. We welcome member feedback!



Candidates for the 2021 SCFCA Board

The Nominations Committee is taking nominations for candidates for the 2021 Board election to be held at the General Meeting on October 20th, 2020. If you would like to run for a Board position, please email Donna Olsen with the attached nomination form at section1@scfneighbors.com by September 15th to have your name on the ballot and bio in the newsletter. Write in candidates can be nominated at any time after that. click here for nomination form

SCFCA 2021 Budget Planning Meeting

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

7:00 PM  9:00 PM

The SCFCA Board will meet electronically on Tuesday, August 11th at 7pm to plan the 2021 budget. Members are welcome to attend the open session. The meeting is open to all SCF members.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 6911 6495
Passcode: 947832
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,84969116495#,,,,,,0#,,947832# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 849 6911 6495
Passcode: 947832
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbLu9ry8j

Agenda: 2021 Budget Planning

Pool Update

The pool has now been open for many weeks operating under the new COVID-19 guidelines and we have received a lot of valuable feedback from membership.  We’ve been working with the pool management company on all of these concerns.  The pool management company has provided a resource for members to provide feedback and complaints.  Signs have been posted around the pool with their number.  If you still need bands, please email pool@scfneighbors.com.  Pool hours for the rest of the summer are as follows:

Thru Aug 16th, the pool will be open its regular hours:

Tues-Thurs 12noon-9pm

Fri-Sat 12noon-10pm

Sun 1pm- 8pm

After Aug 16th, the pool will only be open on weekends and on Labor Day:

Fri 6pm-10pm

Sat 12noon-10pm

Sun 1pm-8pm

Labor Day: 12noon-8pm


SCFCA Regular Board Meeting

The SCFCA Board meets monthly to discuss SCF business. Members are welcome to attend the open session at 7:30pm. If you have a specific matter that needs the Board’s attention, please contact the Board President a week in advance at president@scfneighbors.com to be added to the agenda.

Executive Session (closed meeting) at 7pm , Open Session begins at 7:30pm

Meeting being held electronically via Zoom due to pandemic. Zoom login information is on the agenda.

Agenda: click here

4th of July Parade

Come join your neighbors and the Klein Fire Department to celebrate America’s freedom. We will meet at the clubhouse and the bike parade will start at 10:30am and it will be led by the Klein FD. Follow them to the ball field with your decorated bikes. A special prize will be given to the 3 best decorated bikes! SEE FACEBOOK PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION -DeAnna Delgado, Social Chair at 832-435-5151 or social@scfneighbors.com

Class of 2020 Parade

Spring Creek Forest would like to honor the graduating high school and college seniors with a parade through the neighborhood! Graduates will ride on a special float and receive a swag bag. We will be gathering at the clubhouse parking lot on June 13th  at 11:00 a.m. Families of graduates are encouraged to participate in the parade and decorate your vehicles! SCF residents are welcome to decorate their yard with signs and banners to help celebrate.  In addition, we are seeking donations from individuals or businesses for swag bag items. 

Please let me know if your senior would like to participate by emailing social@scfneighbors.com, or call/text DeAnna Delgado at 832-435-5151.

Pool Wristband Distribution

SCF Residents,

The pool successfully opened this past weekend.  A special thanks to everyone who helped make it happen.  Opening day attendance on Saturday was a total of 237 patrons with a peak of 48 at one time at 2:00pm.  Going forward if anyone missed the pool band pick up hours you can still obtain your bands by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to http://www.scfneighbors.com/governing-documents

  2. Download, print and sign the following forms

    • Pool Policy

    • Waiver of Liability

  3. Email pool@scfneighbors.com 

    • Your home address

    • How many bands you need (large or small bands). Residents are only allowed bands for the people who actually live at that address. All others are considered visitors and must sign in. See visitor policy listed in the pool policy.

  4. Await email confirmation and place the signed forms on your front porch.

  5. The bands will be placed on your front porch within 24-48 hours

Email requests will be honored until the June 30th Regular Board Meeting.  After that date, residents can contact Sterling directly for bands.  Please remember pool bands will only be issued to members who have accounts in good standing.

The Spring Creek Forest Pool will be opening to residents on 5/23/2020

The SCFCA pool will be opening to residents on Saturday May 23rd.


Sat 5/23 12noon-10pm

Sun 5/24 1pm-8pm

Mon 5/25 12noon-8pm

Tues-Wed 5/26-5/27 closed

Thurs 5/28 3:30pm -9pm

Regular summer hours will start on Friday, May 29th. 

Monday - closed for cleaning

Tues-Thur - 12noon to 9pm

Fri-Sat 12noon to 10pm

Sun 1pm to 8pm

In order to remain compliant with Governor Abbott's orders we will have some restrictions in place to ensure the safety or our members and lifeguards.  Details of the changes will be made available to members when pool bands are picked up.

Pool Band Distribution Dates:

(SCF Clubhouse)

· Sat 5/16 9am-10am

· Sun 5/17 9am-4pm

· Tues 5/19 12noon-4pm

· Thurs 5/21 12noon-4pm

· Friday 5/22 4pm-7pm

· Sat 5/23 12noon-3pm (at the pool)

If you weren’t able to get bands during these times, please email pool@scfneighbors.com.

SCFCA  Board of Directors


Playground and Tennis Courts Opening Today

The SCFCA playground and tennis courts are opening today.  Residents need to follow Governor Abbott’s guidelines on social distancing, small gatherings, hand washing, etc.  The outdoor restrooms are available for use and the codes for the bathrooms are in the newsletter.  The facilities are not being cleaned after each use, so residents are using the facilities at their own risk.


Special Board Meeting tonight Via Zoom

SCF Members,                                                                                                             03/19/2020

Due to current recommendations regarding Covid 19, tonight’s Special Board meeting is going to be held electronically via a service called Zoom.  You can log in via phone or the web.  If you are going to login using the web, please go to Zoom in advance as there is a small executable file that you will need to download.  The open session begins at 7:50, which is open to members, however for this meeting there will not be a member forum because it is a special meeting so members will be muted.  The Board will be announcing any decisions from Executive session.  This meets the requirements of the property 209 code.  Thank you everyone for your patience during this very difficult time.  If you have questions, please ask.

Jennifer Chapman

SCFCA President

Open Session

Dial In #: 346-248-7799

Or Join the meeting at https://zoom.us/j/496348603

Meeting ID: 496 348 603  No password


March 19, 2020


7:00 Call to Order and Executive Session begins

Designate a quorum

7:02 Operational Issues – Committee Structures

7:45 Executive Session Adjourned

7:50 Call to Order and Open Session begins

7:52 Board Introductions

7:55 Actions Discussed in Executive Session

8:00 Meeting Adjourned

Next Regular Board Meeting Date 3/31/2020

April General Meeting 4/21/2020

Swim Team Registration Cancellation

Good evening Sharks family & friends!

We hope everyone is healthy, safe & enjoying time with their families. Due to our nation's current situation, we must postpone our swim team registration for this upcoming Sunday, March 22 as well as close online registration at this time. As new information unfolds & we receive updates, we will pass along information to you. Please stay healthy & safe, we will see you when we see you, hopefully it's at the Shark Tank for another amazing season! 

Stacy Dawson

Sharks Secretary

2020 SCF Sharks Swim Team Season

With the 2020 swim season approaching quickly, please make sure you're checking the SCF Sharks website www.scfsharks.swimtopia.com frequently to find all the most up to date information regarding our season.  

Look for upcoming dates regarding: online registration, in person registration at the clubhouse, kick off dinner date/time & meet information. We can't wait to see everyone at the Shark Tank this year! 

Thank you,

Stacy Dawson 

SCF Sharks Secretary